De sataniske vers er en bog af den indisk-engelske forfatter Salman Rushdie. Da bogen blev udgivet i 1988 skabte den megen røre – især i den muslimske verden, da mange muslimer anså bogens indhold for blasfemisk, efterom Rushdie i et kapitel henviser til en apokryf muslimsk legende, hvori profeten Muhammed i et svagt …
De sataniske vers er en bog af den indisk-engelske forfatter Salman Rushdie. Da bogen blev udgivet i 1988 skabte den megen røre – især i den muslimske verden, da mange muslimer anså bogens indhold for blasfemisk, efterom Rushdie i et kapitel henviser til en apokryf muslimsk legende, hvori profeten Muhammed i et svagt …
East, West is a 1994 anthology of short stories by Salman Rushdie. The book is divided into three main sections, entitled "East", "West", and "East, West", each section containing stories from their respective geographical areas. Though Rushdie himself never divulged the exact inspirations for his stories in East, …
Imaginary Homelands is a collection of essays written by Salman Rushdie covering a wide variety of topics. In addition to the title essay, the collection also includes "'Commonwealth Literature' Does Not Exist".
This brilliant, fascinating, generous novel swarms with gorgeous young women both historical and imagined, beautiful queens and irresistible enchantresses...a sumptuous, impetuous mixture of history with fable. But in the end, of course, it is the hand of the master artist, past all explanation, that gives this book …