《撒旦詩篇》。薩爾曼·魯西迪的第四部小說,出版於1988年9月26日,其靈感來源於穆罕默德的生活。 在英國,《撒旦詩篇》被評論界廣泛接受,它曾是1988年布克獎的候選作品,但最終輸給了彼得·凱利的《奧斯卡與露辛達》。

《撒旦詩篇》。薩爾曼·魯西迪的第四部小說,出版於1988年9月26日,其靈感來源於穆罕默德的生活。 在英國,《撒旦詩篇》被評論界廣泛接受,它曾是1988年布克獎的候選作品,但最終輸給了彼得·凱利的《奧斯卡與露辛達》。

午夜之子是萨尔曼·鲁西迪在1981年出版的小说。该书是鲁西迪的第二部小说作品,故事场景设定于鲁西迪的出生地印度,主要描绘故事主角撒利姆.撒奈伊和印度独立后许多历史事件的悲喜纠结关系,故事起源是支持社会主义的基层人士用粗糙手法实践社会主义造成的悲剧。除了于1981年获得英语小说界的最高荣誉布克奖之外,该书于1993年再被评选为布克奖二十五年来最重要的小说。 …

The epic tale of a woman who breathes a fantastical empire into existence, only to be consumed by it over the centuries - from the transcendent imagination of Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie.In the wake of an insignificant battle between two long-forgotten kingdoms in …

From Salman Rushdie, one of the great writers of our time, comes a spellbinding work of fiction that blends history, mythology, and a timeless love story. A lush, richly layered novel in which our world has been plunged into an age of unreason, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights is a breathtaking …

The Jaguar Smile is Salman Rushdie's first full-length non-fiction book, which he wrote in 1987 after visiting Nicaragua. The book is subtitled A Nicaraguan Journey and relates his travel experiences, the people he met as well as views on the political situation then facing the country. The book was written during a …