“It came to pass, when Jesus had risen from the dead, that he passed eleven years discoursing with his disciples, and instructing them." The Apostles wrote down what Jesus taught them during those eleven years, resulting in The Pistis Sophia, the most important Gnostic scripture. Includes an extensive commentary by …

The Perfect Matrimony, or The Door to Enter Into Initiation, is the first of approximately seventy books written by Samael Aun Weor. It was first published in 1950 then revised and amplified in 1961. It describes the esoteric teachings of alchemy, tantra, kabbalah, the mysteries of the Maya, Aztecs, ancient Egyptians, …

The Secret Path to Liberation Revealed in the Labors of Hercules and Kabbalah In merely twenty-six years, Samael Aun Weor wrote sixty books, gave thousands of lectures, and formed the international Gnostic movement, inspiring millions of people to enter the path that leads one out of suffering. In The Three Mountains, …

Learn the practical science to work directly with the root energy of all existence, and experience for oneself the reality of the ancient and mysterious Divine Mother Kundalini, spoken of in all the world's great religions. Includes practices of meditation, transmutation, astral projection, pranayama, and the …