Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress is a book edited by Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington.
Political Order in Changing Societies is a 1968 book by Samuel P. Huntington dealing with changes in political systems and political institutions. Huntington argues that those changes are caused by tensions within the political and social system. Huntington criticizes modernization theory, contending that its argument …
Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity is a treatise by political scientist and historian Samuel P. Huntington. The book attempts to understand the nature of American identity and the challenges it will face in the future.
Zderzenie cywilizacji – teoria geopolityczna politologa Samuela Huntingtona powstała na początku lat 90. dwudziestego wieku, zasygnalizowana w artykule pt. „Zderzenie cywilizacji?” w „Foreign Affairs”, a następnie szerzej opisana w książce pod nieco zmienionym i rozwiniętym tytułem „Zderzenie cywilizacji i nowy …