A mysterious epidemic holds the city in its thrall and the chaos is contagious?black oil spews from fire hydrants, rats have taken over brooklyn, and every day, more people disappear. but all that matters to pearl, Moz, and Zahler is their new band. they ignore the madness around them and join forces with a vampire …
A Behemót egy 2010-ben megjelent ifjúsági sci-fi regény Scott Westerfeld tollából. A könyv a Leviatán trilógia második része, és a Leviatán folytatása. Ott veszi fel a fonalat a cselekmény, ahol az első rész befejeződött. A Behemót több elemet is vegyít. Elsődlegesen alternatív történelmi kalandregény, azon belül is …
The Killing of Worlds is a science fiction novel by Scott Westerfeld. The events detailed below immediately follow those of the novel The Risen Empire. Imperial Captain Laurent Zai is sent on a suicide mission to defeat an incursion by the Rix, a space-faring nation who worship planet-sized artificial intelligences. …