She Came to Stay is a novel written by French author Simone de Beauvoir first published in 1943. The novel is a fictional account of her and Jean-Paul Sartre's relationship with Olga Kosakiewicz and Wanda Kosakiewicz.

Here is the ultimate American road book, one with a perspective unlike that of any other. In January 1947 Simone de Beauvoir landed at La Guardia airport and began a four-month journey that took her from one coast of the United States to the other, and back again. Embraced by the Condé Nast set in a swirl of cocktail …

Esta obra profunda e corajosa, alcançou grande repercussão em todo mundo, levantando questões e soluções para os problemas dos idosos. A Velhice é uma obra intensa, aparentemente cruel porque retrata muitas vezes uma realidade cruel, mas carregada de sensibilidade. Capa dura: 608 páginas Editora: Nova Fronteira (30 …