《我是猫》是日本作家夏目漱石的小说。1905年1月开始在《子规》杂志上连载。当时只准备一期完结的短篇,却因为编辑的劝说使漱石继续写下去。到第二回时漱石心中仍有就此为止的念头,所以小说的一、二回结构完整可自成一体。由于第一回在刊登前经过漱石的许可,由高滨虚子作出了改写,所以在文章的风格上与其他回有所分别。第二回一发表就在日本引起轰动,如此直到写了第十一回,终于变成长篇巨著。小说在日本国内外都引起了广泛的影响,成为日本文学史上的一部名著。2010年香港中学会考曾引用《我是猫》部份段落作题目。 …

《少爷》,在许多译本中被译为《哥儿》,是日本作家夏目漱石作于1906年的长篇小说,发表于〈杜鹃〉杂志。被认为是日本当代最受欢迎的小说之一,成为许多日本青少年的文学读物。小说以一众道貌岸然者的道德品性为主题,是夏目漱石早期诙谐风格的代表作。 小说以一个毕业后到松山乡下任教的男青年的个人经历为故事主线。主人公“少爷”脑子单纯,易受蒙骗,却富有正义感,拒绝向世俗的种种虚假低头。同时,“少爷”在到不甚开化的乡下任教之前生活在现代化的都市东京,对眼前的种种迂腐的习俗处处看不惯。他与富含真性情的同事“豪猪”结交,与学校的几个或迂腐或龌龊的同事们明争暗斗,故事情节起伏跌宕又夸张滑稽,勾画出当时教育界人物之众生相,富含讽刺意味。 …

Sanshirō is a novel by the Japanese writer Natsume Sōseki. The novel was originally published as a serialized work in the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun between September and December 1908. The novel relates the story of Sanshirō Ogawa, a 23-year-old from the countryside of Kyushu who travels to the city for the …

The Three Cornered World is the novelistic expression of the contrast between the Western ethical view of reality and the Eastern ethical view by one of Japan's most beloved authors. Natsume Soseki tells of an artist who retreats to a country resort and becomes involved in a series of mysterious encounters with the …

An NYRB Classics Original A humble clerk and his loving wife scrape out a quiet existence on the margins of Tokyo. Resigned, following years of exile and misfortune, to the bitter consequences of having married without their families’ consent, and unable to have children of their own, Sōsuke and Oyone find the …

This collection of ten connected stories or dreams has a surrealistic atmosphere. Some are weird, others are grotesquely funny. Among the ten nights, the first, second, third, and fifth nights start with the same sentence "This is the dream I dreamed." Whether Sosecki actually had these dreams or whether they were …