The Language Instinct is a 1994 book by Steven Pinker, written for a general audience. Pinker argues that humans are born with an innate capacity for language. He deals sympathetically with Noam Chomsky's claim that all human language shows evidence of a universal grammar, but dissents from Chomsky's skepticism that …

Het onbeschreven blad: Over de ontkenning van een aangeboren menselijke natuur is een boek van Steven Pinker dat het opneemt tegen het denkmodel van de tabula rasa dat in de sociale wetenschappen de overhand heeft. Pinker mengt zich hiermee in het nature-nurture-debat want volgens hem wordt het menselijk gedrag ook …

How the Mind Works is een non-fictieboek uit 1997 van de Canadese neurowetenschapper Steven Pinker. De titel was een finalist voor de Pulitzerprijs 1998 in de categorie non-fictie.

The Stuff of Thought is an exhilarating work of non-fiction. Surprising, thought-provoking and incredibly enjoyable, there is no other book like it - Steven Pinker will revolutionise the way you think about language. He analyses what words actually mean and how we use them, and he reveals what this can tell us about …

Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language is a 1999 popular linguistics book by Steven Pinker on the subject of regular and irregular verbs.

“If I could give each of you a graduation present, it would be this—the most inspiring book I've ever read."—Bill Gates (May, 2017)Selected by The New York Times Book Review as a Notable Book of the YearThe author of Enlightenment Now and The New York Times bestseller The Stuff of Thought offers a controversial …

An Amazon Best Book of March 2018: Given the 24-hour news cycle to which we have grown accustomed, it’s difficult to navigate life and think that everything is peachy. But Steven Pinker has set out, first in The Better Angels of Our Nature, and now in Enlightenment Now, to illustrate that there has never been a better …