A Briefer History of Time is a popular-science book published in 2005 from the English physicist Stephen Hawking and the American physicist Leonard Mlodinow. It is an update and rewrite of Hawking's 1988 A Brief History of Time. In this book Hawking and Mlodinow present quantum mechanics, string theory, the big bang …

Black Holes and Baby Universes and other Essays is a popular science book by English astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. This book is a collection of essays and lectures written by Hawking, mainly about the makeup of black holes, and why they might be nodes from which other universes grow. Hawking discusses black hole …

Breu història del temps, originalment i en anglès A Brief History of Time, és un conegut llibre de ciència escrit pel físic anglès Stephen Hawking i publicat per primera vegada per Bantam Dell Publishing Group el 1988. Es va convertir en un èxit de vendes, amb més de 10 milions d'exemplars en 20 anys. Va ser en la …

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “Hawking’s parting gift to humanity . . . a book every thinking person worried about humanity’s future should read.”—NPR The world-famous cosmologist and author of A Brief History of Time leaves us with his final thoughts on the biggest questions facing humankind.NAMED ONE OF THE BEST …