The Dead Zone is a supernatural thriller novel by Stephen King published in 1979. It concerns Johnny Smith, who is injured in an accident and enters a coma for nearly five years. When he emerges, he can see horrifying secrets but cannot identify all the details in his "dead zone", an area of his brain that suffered …

Insomnia is a novel written by Stephen King and first published in 1994. Like It and Dreamcatcher, its setting is the fictional town of Derry, Maine. The original hardcover edition was issued with dust jackets in two complementary designs. The first is pictured on the right; the second has the white and red colors …

Tom Gordon'a Aşık Olan Kız, korku/gerilim yazarı Stephen King'in 1999 yılında yayınlanan kitabı. 2006 yılında sinemaya da aktarılmış, ABD'de en çok satanlar listesine girmiştir..

Tılsım, Stephen King'in Peter Straub ile ortaklaşa yazdığı epik gerilim romanı. Roman ana hatlarıyla Jack Sawyer adlı küçük bir çocuğun hasta olan annesini kurtarmak için gerekli olan iksiri araması ve bunu yapabilmek için paralel evrenler arasında yaptığı yolculuğu konu almaktadır. Stephen King'in tüm romanlarında …

Different Seasons is a collection of four Stephen King novellas with a more serious dramatic bent than the horror fiction for which King is famous. The four novellas are tied together via subtitles that relate to each of the four seasons. The collection is notable for having had three of its four novellas turned into …

Just Another Lovers’ Triangle, Right?It was love at first sight. From the moment seventeen-year-old Arnie Cunningham saw Christine, he knew he would do anything to possess her.Arnie’s best friend, Dennis, distrusts her—immediately.Arnie’s teen-queen girlfriend, Leigh, fears her the moment she senses her power.Arnie’s …

A notice to those who feel that Stephen King has lost his magic touch: Desperation is the genuine goods. The ensemble cast of ordinary Americans thrown together by chance, including a disgruntled alcoholic writer and a child who is wise beyond his years, may be a bit too familiar. But the nearly deserted Nevada mining …

The small town of Chester's Mill, Maine, is faced with a big dilemma when it is mysteriously sealed off by an invisible and completely impenetrable force field. With cars and airplanes exploding on contact, the force field has completely isolated the townspeople from the outside world. Now, Iraq war vet Dale Barbara …

Şeffaf orijinal dilinde 1987 yılında yayınlanan Stephen King'in bilim kurgu ve korku türündeki romanı. Türkçe çevirisinde "Şeffaf" adı verilmişse de Tommyknockers kelimesi 1820'lerde Pensilvanya'da ve Kaliforniya'da altına hücum döneminde ellerinde çekiçle madenlerde bulunduğu düşünülen korkutucu küçük adamlara …