La Petite Fille qui aimait Tom Gordon est un roman d'horreur psychologique écrit par Stephen King, publié en 1999. Dans ce roman, une petite fille se perd dans les bois et commence une longue errance à travers la forêt, entremêlée d'épreuves en forme de rite de passage.

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qui se passe après minuit ? Tout bascule. Le temps se courbe, s'étire, se replie ou se brise en emportant parfois un morceau de réel. Et qu'arrive-t-il à celui qui regarde, les yeux écarquillés, la vitre entre réel et irréel juste avant qu'elle explose et que des aiguilles de verre se …

Nightmares in the Sky: Gargoyles and Grotesques is a coffee table book about architectural gargoyles, photographed by f-stop Fitzgerald with accompanying text by Stephen King, and published in 1988. An excerpt was published in the September 1988 issue of Penthouse.

Blood and Smoke is an audiobook where Stephen King reads three of his own short stories. At the time, he said that the two short stories which had not been published wouldn't be, however, all three were published in the Everything's Eventual collection. All the three stories in Blood and Smoke are about smoking in one …

Prime Evil is an anthology of horror short stories edited by Douglas E. Winter. It was first published in 1988 by New American Library. With the exception of the Dennis Etchison story, "The Blood Kiss", the stories are original to this anthology.

Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973 Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a vicious murder the fate of a dying child and the ways both will change his life forever

Un élève doué est un roman court de Stephen King paru en août 1982 dans le recueil Différentes Saisons. King nous y décrit l'apprentissage du mal par un jeune Américain moyen, à la suite d'une découverte stupéfiante : son voisin, un vieil Allemand reclus, s'avère être l'ancien directeur d'un camp de concentration …

Stephen King Goes to the Movies is a short story collection by Stephen King, released in paperback on January 20, 2009. It contains five previously collected pieces of short fiction that have been adapted to popular films, each with a short introduction by the author written specially for this book. At the end a list …