Krēsla ir pirmā grāmata Stefanijas Meieres "Krēslas" sērijā, kurā ir stāsts par septiņpadsmitgadīgo Izabellu Svonu un vampīru Edvardu Kalenu. Grāmata iznāca 2005. gadā. Vampīru romāns, kura pirmais izdevums tikai ASV aizgāja rekordlielā tirāžā 100 000 eksemplāros un iekļuva New York Times bestselleru sarakstā. Romāns …

In this gripping page-turner, an ex-agent on the run from her former employers must take one more case to clear her name and save her life. She used to work for the U.S. government, but very few people ever knew that. An expert in her field, she was one of the darkest secrets of an agency so clandestine it doesn't …