The Underpants is the most recent adaptation of the 1910 German farce Die Hose by the playwright Carl Sternheim. The adaptation was written by Steve Martin. It was produced at New York City's Off-Broadway theater Classic Stage Company from April 4, 2002 through April 28, 2002. The play, a "farcical send-up of …
The Pleasure of My Company is a novel by Steve Martin, first published in 2003, which tells the story of the life of an obsessive compulsive and introverted young man named Daniel Cambridge. The novel revolves around Daniel, his obsessions, and his interactions with the world around his home in Santa Monica, …
The Alphabet From A to Y with Bonus Letter Z! is a children's book aimed at infants and preschoolers containing couplets written by comedian, writer, and humorist Steve Martin, with illustrations by New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast. The book, published by Doubleday, was released in October 2007.
Pure Drivel is a collection of stories by Steve Martin, published in 1998, many of which first appeared in The New Yorker.
Picasso At The Lapin Agile é a adaptação para o cinema, de uma peça teatral escrita por Steve Martin em 1993, que narra um encontro fictício entre Pablo Picasso e Albert Einstein, ambos com 23 anos, num bar parisiense chamado Lapin Agile, no início do secúlo XX. Na versão cinematográfica Albert Einstein e Pablo …