Steven Erikson returns to the Malazan world with the second book in a dark and revelatory new epic fantasy trilogy, one that takes place a millennium before the events in hisNew York Times bestselling Malazan Book of the Fallen. The Fall of Light continues to tell the tragic story of the downfall of an ancient realm, …

Fiends of Nightmaria is a new novella from New York Times bestselling author Steven Erikson, set in the world of the Malazan Book of the Fallen...

In Kurald Galain, commoner hero Vatha Urusander aspires to take the hand of the reigning Mother Dark, but since she has already taken Lord Draconus as consort, the threat of civil war rises, all while an ancient power rises from the sea.

Deuxième tome de la saga épique de Steven Erikson, Les Portes de la Maison des Morts nous emmènent sur le vaste continent de Sept-Cités, au cœur du Saint-Désert de Raraku où l'oracle Sha'ik rassemble son armée pour une rébellion des plus sanglantes : un maelström de fanatisme et de férocité qui façonnera des destinées …

New York Times bestselling author Steven Erikson continues the beloved Malazan Book of the Fallen with this first book in the thrilling Witness sequel trilogy, The God is Not Willing.Many years have passed since three warriors brought carnage and chaos to Silver Lake.Now the tribes of the north no longer venture into …