Alanna: The First Adventure is a fantasy novel by Tamora Pierce, the first in a series of four books, The Song of the Lioness. It details the start and early days of Alanna of Trebond's training as a knight, hiding her real gender.

Bloodhound, by Tamora Pierce, is the second novel in a fictional trilogy, Provost's Dog, about a young Provost guard-woman in a fantasy kingdom called Tortall. The first book was called Terrier, and the third is called Mastiff. Bloodhound continues the story of how Beka Cooper manages to survive as a Provost Guard, or …

Briar's Book by Tamora Pierce, is a fantasy novel set in the fictional duchy of Emelan. It is the fourth and final book in the Circle of Magic quartet, starring the four young mages Sandry, Tris, Daja and Briar as they learn to handle powerful magic, form intense bonds of friendship and stand up against destructive …