The Makioka Sisters is a book by Japanese writer Jun'ichirō Tanizaki that was serialized from 1943 to 1948. It follows the lives of the wealthy Makioka family of Osaka from the autumn of 1936 to April, 1941, focusing on the family's attempts to find a husband for the third sister, Yukiko. It depicts the decline of the …

L'elogi de l'ombra és un assaig de Jun'ichirō Tanizaki de 1933, en el que es comparen d’una manera força subtil les diferències entre orient i occident. Per a fer-ho, es basa sobretot en la llum i les ombres, atès que a occident es dóna més importància a la llum, mentre que a orient allò essencial és aconseguir una …

Some Prefer Nettles is a 1929 novel by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki. It was first published in 1928–9 as a newspaper serial. The novel is often regarded as the most autobiographical of Tanizaki's works and one of his finest novels. The Japanese title of the novel is literally water pepper-eating bugs, and is the first half of …