Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch fra 1990 er en fantasiroman skrevet af Terry Pratchett og Neil Gaiman. Bogen er en komedie og en parodi af filmen The Omen.

The Colour of Magic is Terry Pratchett's maiden voyage through the bizarre land of Discworld. His entertaining and witty series has grown to more than 20 books, and this is where it all starts--with the tourist Twoflower and his hapless wizard guide, Rincewind ("All wizards get like that ... it's the quicksilver …

Dødens Lærling er den fjerde roman i Terry Pratchetts Diskverden-serie, oprindeligt udgivet i 1987. Den er den første bog i serien til at sætte fokus på Døden, der indtil Mort kun har optrådt som en biperson i bøgerne. Titlen er navnet på bogens hovedperson, grev Mortimer af Sto Helit, men er samtidig en leg med ord; …

Welcome to Guards! Guards!, the eighth book in Terry Pratchett’s legendary Discworld series.Long believed extinct, a superb specimen of draco nobilis ("noble dragon" for those who don't understand italics) has appeared in Discworld's greatest city. Not only does this unwelcome visitor have a nasty habit of …

Det Fantastiske Lys er den anden bog i serien Diskverden. Bogen griber fat, hvor Magiens Farve gav slip. Vindekåbe er lige faldet ud over kanten på Diskverden og overvejer sine overlevelsesmuligheder. Imens i Det Usete Universitet troldmændenes højborg er den mægtige bog Oktavoen vågnet op og arbejder på højtryk, mens …

Every world has its rules—even a flat onecarried by four elephants riding on a giant turtle. That's why a dying wizard is searching for an eighth son of an eighth son to bestow his wizardly powers upon before meeting Deathin six minutes. Unfortunately it is quicklydiscovered—though not quite quickly enough—that the …

Suddenly, condemned arch-swindler Moist von Lipwig found himself with a noose around his neck and dropping through a trapdoor into ... a government job?By all rights, Moist should be meeting his maker rather than being offered a position as Postmaster by Lord Vetinari, supreme ruler of Ankh-Morpork. Getting the …

Commander Sam Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch had it all. But now he’s back in his own rough, tough past without even the clothes he was standing up in when the lightning struck…Living in the past is hard. Dying in the past is incredibly easy. But he must survive, because he has a job to do. He must track down a …

Lost in the chill deeps of space between the galaxies, it sails on forever, a flat, circular world carried on the back of a giant turtle— Discworld —a land where the unexpected can be expected. Where the strangest things happen to the nicest people. Like Brutha, a simple lad who only wants to tend his melon patch. …