The Science of Discworld — книга, написанная создателем Плоского мира Терри Пратчеттом в соавторстве с популяризаторами науки Йеном Стюартом и Джеком Коэном. Повествование организовано так: сначала следует глава, описывающая события в Плоском мире в обычной для книг Пратчетта форме, причём в процессе развития сюжета …

Only You Can Save Mankind is the first novel in the Johnny Maxwell trilogy of children's books and fifth young adult novel by Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld sequence of books. The following novels in the Johnny Maxwell Trilogy are Johnny and the Dead and Johnny and the Bomb. The setting of the novels in the …

Strata is a science fiction novel by Terry Pratchett. Published in 1981, it is one of Pratchett's first novels and one of only two purely science fiction novels he has written, the other being The Dark Side of the Sun. Although it takes place in a different fictional universe and is more science fiction than fantasy, …

Johnny and the Dead is the second novel by Terry Pratchett to feature the character Johnny Maxwell. The other novels in the Johnny Maxwell Trilogy are Only You Can Save Mankind and Johnny and the Bomb. In this story, Johnny sees and speaks with the spirits of those interred in his local cemetery and tries to help them …

Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy is a 1998 anthology of 11 novellas by a number of noteworthy fantasy authors, edited by Robert Silverberg. All the stories were original to the collection, and set in the authors' established fictional worlds. The anthology won a Locus Award for Best Anthology in …

Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook — книга рецептов и полезных житейских советов английского писателя Терри Пратчетта в соавторстве со Стивеном Бриггсом и Тиной Ханнан. Иллюстрации к книге выполнил Пол Кидби. На русском языке ещё не издавалась. Книга входит в серию книг о Плоском …

«Где моя корова?» — детская книга английского писателя Терри Пратчетта с иллюстрациями Мелвина Гранта. Книга основана на вымышленной детской книжке, которую Сэмюэль Ваймс читает своему сыну в романе «Шмяк!». Книга вышла в 2005 году одновременно с романом, на русский не …

The Carpet People is a fantasy novel by Terry Pratchett which was originally published in 1971, but was later re-written by the author when his work became more widespread and well-known. In the Author's Note of the revised edition, published in 1992, Terry Pratchett wrote: "This book had two authors, and they were …