This digital edition includes the original artwork, has been specially adapted for ebook platforms and is optimized for tablet devices. The hardback edition of Dodger's Guide to London has fully integrated images and text.ROLL UP! ROLL UP! READ ALL ABOUT IT!Ladies and Gents, Sir Jack Dodger brings you a most excellent …

New York Times Bestseller!This never-before-published collection of fourteen funny and inventive tales by acclaimed author Sir Terry Pratchett, creator of the beloved and bestselling Discworld fantasy series, features a memorable cast of inept wizards, sensible heroes, and unusually adventuresome tortoises.Including …

Lehké Fantastično je humoristická fantasy kniha Terryho Pratchetta, druhá ze série Zeměplocha.

Authorised by Mr Lipwig of the Ankh-Morpork and Sto Plains Hygienic Railway himself, Mrs Georgina Bradshaw's invaluable guide to the destinations and diversions of the railway deserves a place in the luggage of any traveller, or indeed armchair traveller, upon the Disc. *From the twine walk of Great Slack to the souks …

Why we all deserve a life worth living and a death worth dying for ‘Most men don’t fear death. They fear those things – the knife, the shipwreck, the illness, the bomb – which precede, by microseconds if you’re lucky, and many years if you’re not, the moment of death.’ When Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with …