image of Theodor Adorno

Theodor Adorno

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Minima Moralia: Meditazioni sulla vita offesa è un testo di teoria critica scritto dal filosofo tedesco Theodor Adorno durante la Seconda guerra mondiale in esilio negli Stati Uniti. Originariamente era stato scritto per il cinquantesimo compleanno del suo amico e collaboratore Max Horkheimer, coautore insieme ad …

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Aesthetic Theory is a book by the German philosopher Theodor Adorno, which was culled from drafts written between 1961 and 1969 and ultimately published posthumously in 1970. Although anchored by the philosophical study of art, the book is interdisciplinary and incorporates elements of political philosophy, sociology, …

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Negative Dialectics is a 1966 book by Theodor W. Adorno.

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