Schindlers ark, efter 1993 utgiven med titeln Schindler's list, är en verklighetsbaserad roman från 1982 av den australiske författaren Thomas Keneally. Romanen vann Bookerpriset samma år. Romanen är förlaga till storfilmen Schindler's List. Oskar Schindler var en man som under andra världskriget hjälpte judarna. Han …

The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith is a 1972 Booker Prize-nominated novel by Thomas Keneally, and a 1978 Australian film of the same name directed by Fred Schepisi. The novel is based on the life of bushranger Jimmy Governor. The story is written through the eyes of an exploited Aborigine who explodes with rage. It is …

The Playmaker is a novel based in Australia written by the Australian author Thomas Keneally. In 1789 in Sydney Cove, the remotest penal colony of the British Empire, a group of convicts and one of their captors unite to stage a play. Governor Arthur Phillip presides over the colony, where 1st Lt. Ralph Clark, …

Confederates is a novel by the Australian author Thomas Keneally which uses the American Civil War as its main subject matter. Confederates uses the United States Civil War as a setting for a more personal conflict between neighbors. In the midst of the war's climactic battle -- Antietam -- another conflict is …