Camp Concentration är en science fiction-roman skriven av Thomas M. Disch. Boken handlar om hur huvudpersonen under ett pågående krig, som han har vägrat att medverka i, förs till en underjordisk bas. Där pågår ett experiment, som får människor att bli mycket intelligenta, men också inom kort leder till deras död. …

334 is a science fiction novel by American author Thomas M. Disch, written in 1972. It is a dystopian look at everyday life in New York City around the year 2025.

The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World is an overview of the interactions between science fiction and the real world, written by Thomas M. Disch, a noted author in the field. It is neither a history of science fiction nor a collection of personal anecdotes, but contains some of each, …

The Genocides är en science fiction-roman från 1965 skriven av Thomas M. Disch. Boken handlar om hur utomjordingar sått en sorts snabbväxande träd över hela planeten, som gjort det svårt eller omöjligt att få tag på tillräckligt med mat, och orsakat svält och civilisationens undergång. Människorna kämpar förgäves för …

On Wings of Song is a 1979 science fiction novel by Thomas M. Disch. It was first published as a serial in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in three installments in February to April 1979. Like Disch's previous novel 334, it is a bitter satire that depicts a near-future America falling into worsening …

The Businessman: A Tale of Terror is a novel by American writer Thomas M. Disch, published by Harper & Row in 1984. The Businessman is a contemporary novel, a form that Disch — best known for his science fiction — had not hitherto tried, although all of his subsequent adult novels have shared its milieu. The novel …