JANE WHITEFIELD is . . . . . . in the one-woman business of helping the desperate disappear. Thanks to her membership in the Wolf Clan of the Seneca tribe, she can fool any pursuer, cover any trail, and then provide her clients with new identities, complete with authentic paperwork. Jane knows all the tricks, ancient …

The Butcher’s Boy is American novelist Thomas Perry's first novel, published in 1982. The suspense novel won the 1983 Edgar Award for Best First Mystery Novel. The work has been reprinted several times, and was followed by two more "Butcher's Boy" novels in the series, Sleeping Dogs and The Informant.

Jane WhitefieldNew York Times best-selling writer Thomas Perryâs most popular characterreturns from retirement to the world of the runner, guiding fugitives out of danger.After a nine-year absence, the fiercely resourceful Native American guide JaneWhitefield is back, in the latest superb thriller by award-winning …

Uhrilampaat on Thomas Harrisin kirjoittama toinen Hannibal Lecter -aiheinen teos, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1988 ja suomennettiin vuonna 1989. Kirja on palkittu vuonna 1988 Bram Stokerin- palkinnolla ja vuonna 1989 Anthony-palkinnolla. Kirjasta on tehty myös samanniminen elokuva, joka voitti viisi Oscar-palkintoa.