The Hunt for Red October was Tom Clancy's 1984 debut novel. The story follows a CIA analyst who leads a group of US Naval officers to take possession of a cutting-edge Soviet nuclear submarine from 26 defecting Soviet officers, and the intertwined adventures of Soviet submarine captain Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius and …

『レッド・ストーム作戦発動』は1986年に発表された、アメリカの作家トム・クランシーとラリー・ボンドの共著による軍事シミュレーション小説。 東西冷戦時代のヨーロッパ及び大西洋を主な舞台としたNATO軍とワルシャワ条約機構軍の全面戦争が描かれている。超音速爆撃機による空母機動部隊への空襲、潜水艦による巡航ミサイル攻撃、当時まだ存在が公開されていなかったステルス攻撃機による奇襲攻撃、F-15発射のASATによる衛星攻撃など、核兵器を除く多様なハイテク兵器による現代戦の様子が緻密に描かれている。 …

Peace may finally be at hand in the Middle East—as Deputy Director of the CIA Jack Ryan lays the groundwork for a peace plan that could end centuries of conflict. But ruthless terrorists have a final, desperate card to play: they have their hands on a nuclear weapon and have placed it on American soil in the midst of …

Jack Ryan risks all in the Soviet Union as the superpowers clash over Star Wars in Tom Clancy's acclaimed fourth international No 1 bestseller - now reissued with a new cover. The superpower arms negotiations appear to be making progress. But a US spy satellite reveals that the Soviets are building a massive …

In this #1 New York Times bestselling thriller, author Tom Clancy takes readers into the shadowy world of anti-terrorism and gets closer to reality than any government would care to admit... Ex-Navy SEAL John Clark has been named the head of Rainbow, an international task force dedicated to combating terrorism. In a …