Beloved is een roman uit 1987 van de Amerikaanse schrijfster Toni Morrison die zich afspeelt na de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Het is geïnspireerd op het verhaal van een Afrikaans-Amerikaanse slaaf, Margaret Garner, die tijdelijk aan slavernij ontsnapte door in 1856 in Kentucky te vluchten naar de vrije staat Ohio. Met …

Milkman Dead was born shortly after a neighborhood eccentric hurled himself off a rooftop in a vain attempt at flight. For the rest of his life he, too, will be trying to fly. With this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison transfigures the coming-of-age story as audaciously as Saul Bellow or Gabriel García …

A Mercy is Toni Morrison's 9th novel. It was published in 2008. A Mercy reveals what lies beneath the surface of slavery in early America. It is both the story of mothers and daughters and the story of a primitive America. It made the New York Times Book Review list of "10 Best Books of 2008" as chosen by the paper's …

Spare and unsparing, God Help the Child—the first novel by Toni Morrison to be set in our current moment—weaves a tale about the way the sufferings of childhood can shape, and misshape, the life of the adult. At the center: a young woman who calls herself Bride, whose stunning blue-black skin is only one element of …