Matka Guráž a jej deti je divadelná hra a je to typické dielo epického divadla. V roku 1939 ju napísal významný nemecký dramatik a básnik Bertolt Brecht Hra bola v premiére uvedená v roku 1941 vo švajčiarskom divadle Schauspielhaus Zürich v hlavnej úlohe s Therese Giehseovou. Od roku 1949 sa hrala vo Východnom Berlíne …

Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes is a 1993 play in two parts by American playwright Tony Kushner. The work won numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the Tony Award for Best Play, and the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Play. The play is a complex, often metaphorical, and at …

Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes is a 1993 play in two parts by American playwright Tony Kushner. The work won numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the Tony Award for Best Play, and the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Play. The play is a complex, often metaphorical, and at …