In print for more than three decades and translated into dozens of languages, here is the audio release of the first book in The Earthsea Trilogy. This is a tale of wizards, dragons, and shadows, played in an archipelago of imagined islands. The young boy Sparrowhawk becomes apprentice to a Master Wizard; but …

Ursula K. Le Guin's groundbreaking work of science fiction—winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards.A lone human ambassador is sent to Winter, an alien world without sexual prejudice, where the inhabitants can change their gender whenever they choose. His goal is to facilitate Winter's inclusion in a growing intergalactic …

Dec. 1985 Bantam Spectra mass market paperback, {h} 24th printing. Ursula K. Le Guin (Tales of Earthsea). In this second novel in the Earthsea series, Tenar is chosen as high priestess to the ancient and nameless Powers of the Earth, and everything is taken from her-home, family, possessions, even her name. She is now …

A kisemmizettek Ursula K. Le Guin utópikus/disztópikus soft science fiction-regénye, amely 1975-ben elnyerte a Hugo- és a Nebula-díjat. A mű magyarul a Cédrus Kiadó és a Szukits Könyvkiadó közös gondozásában jelent meg, Az SF klasszikusai sorozatban, 1994-ben. A kisemmizettek az írónő Hain-ciklusának része, ide …

The Farthest Shore is a young-adult fantasy novel by the American author Ursula K. Le Guin, first published by Atheneum in 1972. It is the third book in the series commonly called the Earthsea Cycle. As the next Earthsea novel, Tehanu, would not be released until 1990, The Farthest Shore is sometimes referred to as …

Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea is a fantasy novel by the American author Ursula K. Le Guin, published by Atheneum in 1990. It was the fourth novel set in the fictional archipelago Earthsea; a sequel following almost twenty years after the Earthsea trilogy; and not the last, despite its subtitle. It won the annual …

Az Égi eszterga Ursula K. Le Guin 1971-ben megjelent tudományos-fantasztikus regénye. A történet először folytatásokban jelent meg az Amazing Stories magazinban. Magyarországon 1992-ben jelent meg Füssi-Nagy Géza fordításában A sci-fi mesterei sorozatban. A regényt jelölték az 1972-es Hugo-díjra, illetve az 1971-es …

The Other Wind is a fantasy novel by the American author Ursula K. Le Guin, published by Harcourt in 2001. It is the fifth and latest novel set in the fictional archipelago Earthsea. It won the annual World Fantasy Award for Best Novel and was runner up for the Locus Award, Best Fantasy Novel, among other nominations. …

Tales from Earthsea is a collection of fantasy stories and essays by American author Ursula K. Le Guin, published by Harcourt in 2001. It accompanies five novels set in the fictional archipelago Earthsea. Tales from Earthsea won the annual Endeavour Award, for the best book by a writer from the Pacific Northwest, and …