Catwings is a series of four American children's picture books written by Ursula K. Le Guin, illustrated by S. D. Schindler, and originally published by Scholastic from 1988 to 1999. It follows the adventures of kittens who were born with wings. Alternatively, Catwings is the first book in the series. The series is in …

Lumea lui Rocannon este primul roman al scriitoarei americane Ursula K. Le Guin. A fost publicat în 1966 de editura Ace într-un volum dublu, împreună cu The Kar-Chee Reign a lui Avram Davidson. Deși este una dintre cărțile aparținând universului Hainish, narațiunea conține o serie de elemente aparținând genului …

Roza vânturilor este o culegere de povestiri scrisă de Ursula K. Le Guin. Organizată în secțiuni pe tema direcției, nu este atât de legată de busolă cum implică titlul. În 1983 a câștigat premiul Locus pentru "Cea mai bună antologie de autor". Din prefața cărții „Denumind această carte “Roza Vînturilor”, am sperat să …

Four Ways to Forgiveness is a collection of four short stories or novellas by Ursula K. Le Guin. All four stories are set in the future and deal with the planets Yeowe and Werel, both members of the Ekumen, a collective of planets used by Le Guin as part of the background for many novels and short stories in her …

City of Illusions is a 1967 post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin, set on Earth in the distant future in her Hainish Cycle. City of Illusions is significant because it lays the foundation for the Hainish cycle, a fictional world in which the majority of Ursula K. Le Guin's Science Fiction novels …

The Beginning Place is a short novel by Ursula K. Le Guin, written in 1980. It was subsequently published under the title Threshold in 1986. The novel does not belong to any of the cycles for which Le Guin is well known. The story's genre is a mixture of realism and fantasy literature. The novel's epigraph "What river …