Planet of Exile is a 1966 science-fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin in her Hainish Cycle. It was first published as an Ace Double following the tête-bêche format, bundled with Mankind Under the Leash by Thomas M. Disch.

Ursula K. Le Guin's groundbreaking work of science fiction—winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards.A lone human ambassador is sent to Winter, an alien world without sexual prejudice, where the inhabitants can change their gender whenever they choose. His goal is to facilitate Winter's inclusion in a growing intergalactic …

Dec. 1985 Bantam Spectra mass market paperback, {h} 24th printing. Ursula K. Le Guin (Tales of Earthsea). In this second novel in the Earthsea series, Tenar is chosen as high priestess to the ancient and nameless Powers of the Earth, and everything is taken from her-home, family, possessions, even her name. She is now …

《빼앗긴 자들》은 어슐러 르 귄이 1974년에 발표한 SF 소설로, 헤인 시리즈의 다섯 번째 장편작이다. 휴고상과 네뷸러상을 수상하였다. 세티 항성계의 쌍둥이 행성인 아나레스와 우라스를 배경으로 하여, 아나레스 출신의 물리학자인 쉐벡을 중심으로 이야기를 …

The Wind's Twelve Quarters is a collection of short stories by Ursula K. Le Guin, named after a line from A.E. Housman's A Shropshire Lad and first published by Harper & Row in 1975. Described by Le Guin as a retrospective, it collects 17 previously published stories, four of which were the germ of novels she was …