Catwings is a series of four American children's picture books written by Ursula K. Le Guin, illustrated by S. D. Schindler, and originally published by Scholastic from 1988 to 1999. It follows the adventures of kittens who were born with wings. Alternatively, Catwings is the first book in the series. The series is in …

Rocannon's World is Ursula K. Le Guin's first novel. It was published in 1966 as an Ace Double, along with Avram Davidson's The Kar-Chee Reign, following the tête-bêche format. Though it is one of Le Guin's many works set in the universe of the technological Hainish Cycle, the story itself has many elements of heroic …

The Compass Rose is a 1982 collection of short stories by Ursula K. Le Guin. It is organized into sections on the theme of directions, though not strictly compass-related as the title implies. It won the Locus Award for best Single Author Collection in 1983.

Four Ways to Forgiveness is a collection of four short stories or novellas by Ursula K. Le Guin. All four stories are set in the future and deal with the planets Yeowe and Werel, both members of the Ekumen, a collective of planets used by Le Guin as part of the background for many novels and short stories in her …

Illusionernas stad är en science fictionroman av Ursula K. Le Guin. Den utspelar sig i den Hainvärld som författarinnan återvänder till i ett stort antal noveller och romaner. I boken möter vi Falk, som vaknar upp i en främmande miljö med ett minne lika blankt som hos en nyfödd. Han ser likadan ut som de människor han …

Skymningslandet är en roman av Ursula K. Le Guin. Den utspelar sig i en fantasymiljö, men skulle likväl kunna räknas som en ungdomsroman. I boken får vi möta de unga vuxna Hugh och Irene, som har svårt att släppa barndomen. De flyr in i Skymningslandet Tembreabrezi, där tiden går långsammare än i vår värld. Genom sina …