Andras plåga är en roman av Val McDermid, utgiven i Storbritannien år 2004. Engelska originalets titel är The Torment of Others. Johan Nilsson översatte romanen till svenska 2005. Romanen är den fjärde i serien om psykologen Tony Hill och kriminalinspektören Carol Jordan.

Blue Genes is the fifth story in the "Kate Brannigan Series" written by Val McDermid A popular Scottish author. The book was written in 1996 and has been advised that younger reader's do not read it as it has sexual responses and death.

In The Grave Tattoo, suspense master Val McDermid spins a psychological thriller in which a present-day murder has its roots in the eighteenth century and the mutiny on the H.M.S. Bounty. After summer rains uncover a corpse bearing tattoos like those of eighteenth-century seafarers, many residents of the English Lake …