„Romeo ir Džuljeta“ yra 1595 m. Viljamo Šekspyro sukurta tragedija, kurioje pasakojama jaunuolių iš priešiškai nusiteikusių šeimų meilės istorija. Tai – viena populiariausių Šekspyro dramų, statyta, perdirbta ir interpretuota daugelį kartų. Romeo ir Džuljeta tapo tipiniu jaunų įsimylėjėlių pavyzdžiu ir prototipu …

Hamletas – Viljamo Šekspyro tragedija, viena žymiausių jo pjesių, parašyta 1600–1601 m. Tai yra ir ilgiausia Šekspyro pjesė – joje yra 4 042 eilutės ir 29 551 žodis. Pjesėje vaizduojamas taurus humanistas, tragiškai vienišas kovoje prieš visuomeninį blogį. Hamletas – filosofinio pobūdžio drama, kadangi joje keliami …

"I feel that I have spent half my career with one or another Pelican Shakespeare in my back pocket. Convenience, however, is the least important aspect of the new Pelican Shakespeare series. Here is an elegant and clear text for either the study or the rehearsal room, notes where you need them and the distinguished …

Vasarvidžio nakties sapnas – romantinė komedija, parašyta Viljamo Šekspyro. Kaip spėjama, pjesė galėjo būti sukurta kažkur 1594–1596 metais. Joje pasakojama apie keturių įsimylėjėlių nuotykius bei apie grupę nesubrendusių aktorių, jų interakciją su Atėnų kunigaikščiu Tesėju bei Amazonės karaliene Ipolita, taip pat …

The most striking difference between Othello and Shakespeare's other tragedies is its more intimate scale. Because the play focuses on personal rather than public life, Othello's private descent into jealous obsession is especially chilling to behold. This invaluable new study guide to one of Shakespeare's greatest …

A king foolishly divides his kingdom between his scheming two oldest daughters and estranges himself from the daughter who loves him. So begins this profoundly moving and disturbing tragedy that, perhaps more than any other work in literature, challenges the notion of a coherent and just universe. The king and others …

This joyous play, the last comedy of Shakespeare's career, sums up his stagecraft with a display of seemingly effortless skill. Prospero, exiled Duke of Milan, living on an enchanted island, has the opportunity to punish and forgive his enemies when he raises a tempest that drives them ashore--as well as to forestall …

William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar follows the lauded Shakespearian tradition of blending story and history in a gripping drama. Like many of Shakespeare's works, the heart of this masterpiece lies in the broad political themes employed to speak comment on life and patriotism in Shakespeare's England. As a …

The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in 16th-century Venice must default on a large loan provided by an abused Jewish moneylender. It is believed to have been written between 1596 and 1599. Though classified as a comedy in the First Folio and sharing certain aspects with …

Much Ado About Nothing is a comedic play by William Shakespeare thought to have been written in 1598 and 1599, as Shakespeare was approaching the middle of his career. The play was included in the First Folio, published in 1623. Much Ado About Nothing is generally considered one of Shakespeare's best comedies, because …