Virginia Woolf escreveu poucos contos, muitos deles meros esboços, exercícios, ensaios de escrita. Mas em alguns estão concentradas características de seus romances mais experimentais: a rejeição do realismo literário, o uso de técnicas narrativas pouco ortodoxas, a experimentação com a estrutura e a sintaxe. Em …

A Haunted House is a 1944 collection of 18 short stories by Virginia Woolf. It was produced by her husband Leonard Woolf after her death although in the foreword he states that they had discussed its production together. The first six stories appeared in her only previous collection Monday or Tuesday in 1921 : "A …

Virginia Woolf often wrote as many as six letters a day. This collection is illustrated with contemporary photographs and paintings - many of them by members of the Bloomsbury Group, such as Woolf's sister Vanessa Bell, Roger Fry and Duncan Grant - and aims to evoke the literary and artistic life of the day. The …