On Being Ill is an essay by Virginia Woolf that appeared in T. S. Eliot's The Criterion in January, 1926; The essay was later reprinted, with revisions, in Forum in April 1926, under the title Illness: An Unexploited Mine. The essay seeks to establish illness as a serious subject of literature along the lines of love, …

Mrs Dalloway er en roman av Virginia Woolf som detaljerer en dag i Clarissa Dalloways liv i England etter den første verdenskrig. Mrs Dalloway regnes fremdeles som en av Woolfs best kjente romaner. Den er skapt av to noveller, Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street og den ufullendte The Prime Minister. Romanens handling går ut …

Virginia Woolf often wrote as many as six letters a day. This collection is illustrated with contemporary photographs and paintings - many of them by members of the Bloomsbury Group, such as Woolf's sister Vanessa Bell, Roger Fry and Duncan Grant - and aims to evoke the literary and artistic life of the day. The …