This tenth anniversary edition of W. G. Sebald’s celebrated masterpiece includes a new Introduction by acclaimed critic James Wood. Austerlitz is the story of a man’s search for the answer to his life’s central riddle. A small child when he comes to England on a Kindertransport in the summer of 1939, Jacques …

Saturnuksen renkaat, on W. G. Sebaldin kolmas romaani. Se julkaistiin suomeksi Tammen Keltaisessa kirjastossa Oili Suomisen kääntämänä vuonna 2010. Saturnuksen renkaiden kehyksenä on Sebald-nimisen kertojan pitkä kävelyretki, pyhiinvaellus, Suffolkin rannikolla. Vaelluksensa aikana kertoja käy läpi mieleensä tulevia …

The Emigrants is a 1992 collection of narratives by the German writer W. G. Sebald. It won the Berlin Literature Prize, the Literatur Nord Prize, and the Johannes Bobrowski Medal. The English translation by Michael Hulse was first published in 1996.

Vertigo is a 1990 novel by the German author W. G. Sebald. The first of its four sections is a short but conventional biography of Stendhal, who is referred to not by his pen name but by his given name of Beyle. The second is a travelogue of two journeys made to the Alpine region by an unnamed narrator whose biography …