アウステルリッツはW・G・ゼーバルトによる小説。 「私」が旅先で偶然出会った建築史家・アウステルリッツから、彼の波乱に満ちた生涯を聞く、という形式。他のゼーバルトの作品と同様、写真やイラストが文章の説明ではなく、しかし引き離すことの出来ないものとして文章に寄り添っている。 2001年刊行。日本語訳は2003年、鈴木仁子訳で白水社から刊行。ISBN …

Ostensibly a record of a journey on foot through coastal East Anglia, as Robert McCrum in the London Observer noted, The Rings of Saturn is also a brilliantly allusive study of England's imperial past and the nature of decline and fall, of loss and decay. . . . The Rings of Saturn is exhilaratingly, you might say …

The Emigrants is a 1992 collection of narratives by the German writer W. G. Sebald. It won the Berlin Literature Prize, the Literatur Nord Prize, and the Johannes Bobrowski Medal. The English translation by Michael Hulse was first published in 1996.

Vertigo is a 1990 novel by the German author W. G. Sebald. The first of its four sections is a short but conventional biography of Stendhal, who is referred to not by his pen name but by his given name of Beyle. The second is a travelogue of two journeys made to the Alpine region by an unnamed narrator whose biography …