Ivanhoe /ˈaɪvənˌhoʊ/ is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, first published in 1820 in three volumes and subtitled A Romance. Ivanhoe, set in 12th century England, has been credited for increasing interest in romance and medievalism; John Henry Newman claimed Scott "had first turned men's minds in the direction of …

Rob Roy is a historical novel by Walter Scott. It is narrated by Frank Osbaldistone, the son of an English merchant who travels first to the North of England, and subsequently to the Scottish Highlands, to collect a debt stolen from his father. On the way he encounters the larger-than-life title character, Rob Roy …

Waverley is an 1814 historical novel by Sir Walter Scott. Published anonymously in 1814 as Scott's first venture into prose fiction, it is often regarded as the first historical novel in the western tradition. It became so popular that Scott's later novels were advertised as being "by the author of Waverley". His …

The Heart of Midlothian is the seventh of Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley Novels. It was originally published in four volumes on 25 July 1818, under the title of Tales of My Landlord, 2nd series, and the author was given as "Jedediah Cleishbotham, Schoolmaster and Parish-clerk of Gandercleugh". Although the identity of …

The Bride of Lammermoor, Sir Walter Scott'ın Kraliçe Anne dönemi İskoçyası'nda geçen tarihî romanıdır. A Legend of Montrose ile birlikte Scott'ın Tales of My Landlord serisinin üçüncü kitabını oluşturur. Bu iki roman 1819 yılında birlikte yayımlandı. Roman Donizetti operası Lucia on Lammermoor için temel olarak …

Kenilworth. A Romance is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, first published on 8 January 1821.

The Talisman is a novel by Sir Walter Scott. It was published in 1825 as the second of his Tales of the Crusaders, the first being The Betrothed.

The Antiquary is a novel by Sir Walter Scott about several characters including an antiquary: an amateur historian, archaeologist and collector of items of dubious antiquity. Although he is the eponymous character, he is not necessarily the hero, as many of the characters around him undergo far more significant …

The Lady of the Lake is a narrative poem by Sir Walter Scott, first published in 1810. Set in the Trossachs region of Scotland, it is composed of six cantos, each of which concerns the action of a single day. The poem has three main plots: the contest among three men, Roderick Dhu, James Fitz-James, and Malcolm …

Guy Mannering or The Astrologer, Sir Walter Scott'a ait roman, 1815'te anonim olarak yayımlandı. Scott 1829 yılında yazmış olduğu önsöze göre, bir doğaüstü olayı içeren hikâye yazmayı aslen tasarlamıştı fakat biraz başladıktan sonra fikrini değiştirdi. Kitap ilk baskısından sonra büyük bir başarı …