Le Dernier Train du Katanga est un roman de l'écrivain britannico-rhodésien Wilbur A. Smith paru en 1965 sous le titre original de The Dark of the Sun et publié en français la même année dans une traduction de Daniel Martin. L'action se passe durant la crise congolaise à l'époque de la sécession katangaise et lors de …
The Angels Weep is a 1982 novel, the third in Wilbur Smith's series about the Ballantyne family of Rhodesia. The first part of the book is set immediately before and during the Second Matabele War, then the second part jumps forward to the final days of the Rhodesian Bush War.
This double cassette, with running time of aproximately 9 hours, contains three abridged audio books, the first three titles in Wilbur Smith's "Courtneys of Africa" series. They are read by Martin Shaw and Tim Piggott-Smith, and consist of Birds of Prey, Monsoon, and When the Lion Feeds.