Malam Keduabelas adalah sandiwara komedi karya William Shakespeare. Sandiwara ini diperkirakan pertama diangkat ke atas panggung pada tanggal 6 Januari 1601, 12 hari setelah Natal, yang merupakan asal muasal judulnya, dan merupakan salah satu komedi Shakespeare yang paling terkenal. Dalam sandiwara in, Viola, seorang …

"The Taming of the Shrew" is one Shakespeare's finest comedic efforts. It is the tale of Lucentio who is in love with Bianca, unfortunately Bianca already has two other suitors and her father will not let her marry until her older ill-tempered sister, Katherine, is married. The second problem is remedied when …

As You Like It adalah sandiwara komedi karya William Shakespeare yang ditulis sekitar tahun 1599-1600. Terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Indonesianya berjudul Manasuka dan dilakukan oleh Trisno Sumardjo. Sandiwara ini mengisahkan seorang adipati yang memerintah di Hutan Arden dan saudaranya yang jahat memerintah di …

Shakespeare's Sonnets is the title of a collection of 154 sonnets accredited to William Shakespeare which cover themes such as the passage of time, love, beauty and mortality. It was first published in a 1609 quarto with the full stylised title: SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS. Never before imprinted.. The quarto ends with "A …

The final play in Shakespeare's masterly dramatization of the strife between the Houses of York and Lancaster, Richard III offers a stunning portrait of an archvillain — a man of cunning and ruthless ambition who seduces, betrays and murders his way to the throne. In the process, Richard delivers great speeches and …

Antony and Cleopatra adalah sandiwara tragedi karya William Shakespeare yang ditulis sekitar tahun 1623. Terjemahan buku ke dalam bahasa Indonesianya berjudul Antonius, dan Cleopatra dan dilakukan oleh Trisno Sumardjo.

Henry V atau The Cronicle History of Henry the fift ditulis oleh William Shakespeare dan didasarkan pada Raja Henry V, merupakan bagian terakhir dari suatu tetralogi bersama dengan Richard II, Henry IV, part 1, dan Henry IV, part 2.

Henry IV, Part 1 is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written no later than 1597. It is the second play in Shakespeare's tetralogy dealing with the successive reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, and Henry V. Henry IV, Part 1 depicts a span of history that begins with Hotspur's battle at Homildon …

Measure for Measure is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1603 or 1604. Originally published in the First Folio of 1623, where it was listed as a comedy, the play's first recorded performance occurred in 1604. The play's main themes include justice, "mortality and mercy in Vienna," and the …