The Two Gentlemen of Verona is a comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1589 and 1592. It is considered by some to be Shakespeare's first play, and is often seen as showing his first tentative steps in laying out some of the themes and motifs with which he would later deal in more detail; …

Cymbeline /ˈsɪmbɨliːn/, also known as Cymbeline, King of Britain, is a play by William Shakespeare, set in Ancient Britain and based on legends that formed part of the Matter of Britain concerning the early Celtic British King Cunobeline. Although listed as a tragedy in the First Folio, modern critics often classify …

Pericles, Prince of Tyre is a Jacobean play written at least in part by William Shakespeare and included in modern editions of his collected works despite questions over its authorship, as it was not included in the First Folio. Whilst various arguments support that Shakespeare is the sole author of the play, modern …

Az Athéni Timon Shakespeare legellentmondásosabb darabja. Keletkezésének idejéről bizonyosat nem tudunk, besorolása, kritikai fogadtatása rendkívül szerteágazó. Annyi bizonyos, hogy a dráma Shakespeare késői alkotói szakaszában íródott, vagyis 1601 és 1608 között. Közvetlen előzménye a Lear király lehetett, folytatása …

William Shakespeare drámája, a János király az 1199–1216 között uralkodott János angol király életéről és haláláról szól. Úgy tartják, hogy az 1590-es évek közepén keletkezett, de csak az 1623-as első fólió kiadásban jelent meg.

Loyalty and Heredity-- King Henry VIII covers the period of Henry's reign from shortly after he becomes king to the birth of Elizabeth, who would one day become queen and for whom the play was written. The firing of a cannon during the very first performance of this play caused a fire that burnt the Globe theater to …