Death and the King's Horseman is a play by Wole Soyinka based on a real incident that took place in Nigeria during British colonial rule: the horseman of an important chief was prevented from committing ritual suicide by the colonial authorities. In addition to the British intervention, Soyinka calls the horseman's …

Gli interpreti è il primo romanzo di Wole Soyinka. Fu pubblicato nel 1965 dall'editore Collins di Londra e successivamente tradotto in numerose lingue; in Italia fu pubblicato nel 1979 a Milano da Jaca book nella traduzione di Carla Muschio Sepe. Il romanzo narra la storia di cinque giovani che, dopo aver studiato …

Death and the King's Horseman is a play by Wole Soyinka based on a real incident that took place in Nigeria during British colonial rule: the horseman of an important chief was prevented from committing ritual suicide by the colonial authorities. In addition to the British intervention, Soyinka calls the horseman's …