image of edited by Frederik Pohl

edited by Frederik Pohl

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Semnul Lupului, titlu original Wolfbane, este un roman științifico-fantastic din 1959 scris de Frederik Pohl și C. M. Kornbluth. Înainte de publicarea ca roman, a fost serializat în revista Galaxy în 1957, cu ilustrații de Wally Wood. Damon Knight a ales acest roman în lista celor mai bune 10 cărți SF din …

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The Far Shore of Time is a science fiction novel by Frederik Pohl which concludes The Eschaton Sequence and the adventures of Dan Dannerman, an American government agent of the near future who becomes involved with the discovery of advanced and warring aliens.

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Narabedla Ltd. is a 1988 science fiction novel by American writer Frederik Pohl. In this novel Narabedla Ltd. is a corporation that is owned by aliens and run by their human agents. The main character is an accountant who specializes in doing the tax returns of singers, dancers, and other performers. He has been …

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The Cool War is a science fiction novel by Frederik Pohl published in 1981 by Del Rey Books.

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Search the Sky is a satirical science fiction novel written by Frederik Pohl and Cyril M. Kornbluth and first published in 1954 by Ballantine Books.

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Platinum Pohl is a collection of thirty science fiction stories by Frederik Pohl first published in December 2005 by Tor Books. It includes a volume introduction and story introductions by the editor, James Frenkel, plus an afterword by Pohl.

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Drunkard's Walk is a science fiction novel by Frederik Pohl. It was originally published in paperback by Ballantine Books in 1960 and later the same year by Gnome Press in a hardback edition of 3,000 copies. The novel was originally serialized in the magazine Galaxy Science Fiction.

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Midas World is a collection of science fiction short stories by Frederik Pohl, published in 1983. It contains the following stories: