Sterven in Italbar (To die in Italbar)
To Die in Italbar is a science fiction novel by Roger Zelazny. To Die in Italbar follows Mr. H, a man who needs only to touch someone to heal or hurt them, during a deadly galactic pandemic.The novel contains a cameo by Francis Sandow, the protagonist of Isle of the Dead, but it is not a sequel. Zelazny originally wrote this book hastily to fulfill a contract when he became a full-time writer in May 1969, and the publisher declined to publish it then. He revisited the manuscript in 1972 and added about 25% new material, including the cameo of Sandow to "jazz up" the novel. It was finally released in 1973. He bemoaned the book ever after, calling it his "worst novel" and noting, “If I could kill off one book it would be To Die in Italbar. I wrote that in a hurry to make some money after I quit my job.”
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