La Biblia al pie de la letra

by A. J. Jacobs


The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to follow the Bible as Literally as Possible is a book by A. J. Jacobs, an editor at Esquire magazine, published in 2007. The book describes a year that the author said he spent trying to follow all the rules and guidelines he could find in the Bible, which turned out to be more than 700.
In the book, Jacobs discusses biblical rules, both the obscure and the well-known, and tries to follow them as literally as possible. He even attempts to stone an adulterer and to offer animal sacrifice. He also goes to visit numerous religious groups in order to show their particular views on the Bible, as well as their methods of worship. Some of the people Jacobs meets and talks to in the book:
An Amish family in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Ken Ham of the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky
Rabbi Robbie Harris of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in Manhattan, New York City
A proselytizing Jehovah's Witness
Hassidic Jews in Brooklyn, New York City
Members of the New York City Atheists
Dean Hubbard of Mississippi who is working on growing the Red Heifer in cooperation with Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute in Israel

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