La banda dei brocchi

Novel by Jonathan Coe


The Rotters' Club is a 2001 novel by British author Jonathan Coe, set in Birmingham, England during the 1970s. The title is taken from the album The Rotters' Club by experimental rock band Hatfield and the North. In 2004 the book was followed by a sequel, The Closed Circle.
The Rotters' Club is inspired by Coe's own experiences at King Edward's School, Birmingham in the 1970s. The name Rotters' club comes from the 2nd album of the band Hatfield and the North.
The book appears to hold the record for the longest sentence in English literature. It contains a sentence of 13,955 words. The Rotters' Club was inspired by Bohumil Hrabal's Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age: a Czech language novel that consisted of one great sentence.

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