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Displaying 1-17 of 17 results.
What is a Christian? (Bible Early Learning)
Carolyn Nystrom
What is a Biblical Christian?
A.N. Martin
What in the World is a Christian?
John Blanchard
What is the Point of Being a Christian?
Timothy Radcliffe
Essays by Mark Twain: The Awful German Language, Christian Science, What Is Man?, a Defence of General Funston, the United States of Lyncherdom
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What Is a Person?: Rethinking Humanity, Social Life, and the Moral Good from the Person Up
Christian Smith
Edith Schaeffer
Making real what I already believe : of all the things I believe as a Christian, what is really mine?
John Fischer
Nonviolence, a Christian Interpretation: What it is and How it Works
William Robert Miller
The Raft Is Not the Shore : Conversations Toward a Buddhist-Christian Awareness
Thich Nhat Hanh
Blessed Assurance? A Demonstration that Christian Fundamentalism is Simply False
Michael Tenenbaum
Community That Is Christian
Julie A. Gorman
What In The World is Going On Here?, A Judeo- Christain Primer of World History, Part 1, A Chronological Overview From Creation to Christ. Expanded and Revised
Diana Waring
Listening to the Spirit: A Handbook for Discernment: "What Is the Gospel Message to Our Church as We Relate to Gay and Lesbian Christians?"
William O. Paulsell
Resident Aliens: A Provocative Christian Assessment of Culture and Ministry for People Who Know that Something is Wrong
Stanley Hauerwas
Prophecy and the church;: An examination of the claim of dispensationalists that the Christian church is a mystery paren
Oswald T. Allis
Cringe-free Evangelism: Finding a Way to Witness That Is Right for You (Hodder Christian Paperbacks)
Helen T Boursier
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