Aufstieg und Fall des Dritten Reiches ist der deutsche Titel des erstmals 1960 veröffentlichten Buches The rise and fall of the Third Reich - a history of Nazi Germany des amerikanischen Journalisten und Historikers William Lawrence Shirer. Er beschreibt darin ausführlich den Werdegang Adolf Hitlers, die Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus, die Eroberung und Konsolidierung der Macht, den Weg zum Krieg, die Ereignisse des Zweiten Weltkriegs, die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus, die gescheiterten Versuche des deutschen Widerstands, die Eroberung Deutschlands durch die Alliierten, die letzten Tage im Führerbunker und die bedingungslose Kapitulation.
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That is the state of the art book about the second world war, because it shows all the mistakes that all the germans had made, and we know about the role of the chiefs of the army and the navy and their pathetic effort to guide Hitler to their will, with nefarious results. All other narratives about de 2º WW shed their light over the Hitlre's entourage and their conspirations against each other, but the people who did the dirty job of supress freedom, decimate nations and invade territories were the 3 army grouped, like Shirer shows to us brilliantly in this book. 10/10
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An epic undertaking, essential reading for anyone looking into the events and causes of World War II. More than a little simplistic in its address of events outside of Germany, but the compelling psychological tale of the corruption of a nation more than makes up for this shortcoming.
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