Buzzing Communities: How to Build Bigger, Better, and More Active Online Communities

von Richard Millington


Buzzing Communities cuts through the fluff to offer a clear process for creating thriving online communities. This book combines a century of proven science, dozens of real-life examples, practical tips, and trusted community-building methods. This step-by-step guide includes a lifecycle for tracking your progress and a framework for managing your organization's community efforts. This Book Will Help You to
  • Understand what the members of your community really want.
  • Dramatically increase the number of newcomers that become regulars.
  • Avoid the mistakes most organizations make when they try to build online communities.
  • Develop a fantastic, user-friendly website for your members.
  • Grow your online community to critical mass and beyond
  • Keep members engaged and active in your community.
  • Measure the community's return on investment and explain the benefits to your organization.

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