Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover
Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover is a 2009 teen-fiction novel written by Ally Carter. It is the sequel to Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy and the third book in the Gallagher Girls series. It was published on June 9, 2009. The cover was released on March 19, 2009. As of February 28, 2009, author Ally Carter posted mini-excerpts of the book on her blog, with the promise that while they would be in the book, they might be misleading. The book spent three weeks, from June 19, 2009 to July 3, 2009 on the Children's Books version of New York Times Best Seller list, debuting at #6.The main character Cammie joins Liz and Bex as Macey's private security team on the campaign trail. The girls use their spy training at every turn as the stakes are raised, and Cammie discovers an "the unexpected truth", that she is the target of a secret society.
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