Final Cut Express HD for Mac OS X (Visual QuickStart Guide)
von Lisa Brenneis
It's the year of High Definition video, and Final Cut Express is ready with a brand-new HD version chockfull of advanced titling and soundtrack creation tools. Here to ensure that users start taking advantage of Final Cut Express HD's real-time HD editing capabilities immediately is a thoroughly updated task-based guide to the program from best-selling author and digital video expert Lisa Brenneis. Users who are eager to make effective, compelling videos but don't want to invest heavily in training or equipment will welcome Lisa's simple step-by-step instructions, strong visual approach, and sound professional advice. In short order, they'll find themselves editing video; applying special effects and transitions; mastering the program's compositing, titling, and audio tools; and outputting their finished work. Readers will also learn about all that's new in this major upgrade: LiveType for creating HD-quality animated text and graphics, Soundtrack for producing custom musical scores, direct timeline file placement from Motion, Digital Cinema Desktop, direct import of iMovie projects, and much more.
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